Back in the Philippines, I used to cook chicken curry. During those times, whenever I go to the market, I saw to it that I buy chicken and that green curry powder. Almost once in two weeks I cooked chicken curry then. Later here in Singapore, I found out that the chicken curry has an orange colour. The first time I saw one, I didn’t even try to taste a bit. But when we were invited to a gathering of the Resident Committee, I was obliged to eat the curry. And when I tasted the curry, it was so good. From then on I tried to cook the Singapore version of chicken curry.
One time, my former colleague, Irene, who was so happy for being confirmed after her 3 months probation, cooked chicken curry and brought it for us to eat in the centre. It was so delicious. So, whenever I cook curry I follow Irene’s version which she said is a Chinese version.
Yesterday was a happy day for me. Why so? Because though I resigned from my job, I already have bright prospect. Details of it I will blog on my other site. And because I was so happy and considered yesterday a special day, I cooked the chicken curry.
Here's how I cooked it.

1 can filled milk
1 cup tomato catsup
2 tbsp vegetable oil
200 ml water
2 tsp salt
500 g chicken chunk
2 potatoes(cut into cubes)
1 medium sized carrot(cut into cubes)
1 packet My Mum's curry sauce
1. Sautee chicken with oil
2.Add My Mum's curry sauce and then stir well
3. Add potatoes, carrots, filled milk, water, catsup and salt. Stir well and simmer for 15 minutes.
And now here's my chicken curry. Hmmmm, let's eat now.